動都逃不過她的眼睛,隻是擔心會損失青玄果才提醒沈翔。“你在那裡等著脫衣服就行了。彆廢話,輸了也是我的事情。”沈翔白了她一眼。丹長老渾身一顫。吳芊芊也大驚失色,她時刻擔心著沈翔會被丹長老打死!現在沈翔一點也不懼怕丹長老。他是丹長老的小師叔,隻要不是太過份,頂多就是被罵幾句。況且他還覺得調戲丹長老這個女師侄很有趣,讓他有一種非常爽的優越感。丹長老看到沈翔像模像樣的處理那些藥材。暗暗驚奇起來,她看出沈翔...Chapter 2437: Infinite God Mountain
The people here are all at the Dao Dan Realm, and their ears are very sharp. Since Shen Xiang is also a public figure, many people quickly became aware of this matter.
Everyone secretly marveled at Chen Xiang's cultivation, possessing unparalleled alchemy. If he were to become even more powerful in the future, how incredible would his alchemy skills be
Shen Xiang's conversation with Jiang Xian was quite enjoyable. He sensed that Jiang Xian was hiding his true nature, as he appeared rather ordinary and dressed modestly. However, from their talk, Shen Xiang realized that Jiang Xian was a well-mannered person.
Shen Xiang learned from him that when a Dao Dan Realm merges all divine essences, it would connect with the principle powers based on the attributes of power that are cultivated from the previous divine essence. This way, it could directly absorb principle powers to strengthen the principle powers that were previously focused on.
If the divine essence has cultivated multiple and complex attribute powers before reaching Dao Dan Realm, the power of principles absorbed would be extremely scattered. The overall power wouldn't condense because various different principles are hard to combine into a single entity.。而沈翔則皺起了眉頭,因為在此之前他從未聽說過玉龍花。讓他更加疑惑的是,連蘇媚瑤和白幽幽也發出一聲驚歎:“出現了!”“這是什麼?”沈翔急忙詢問蘇媚瑤。“聖級龍藥,用玉龍的生命精元孕育而成。用途繁多,能賦予人力量,使強大仙人快速恢複傷勢,在關鍵時刻突破。冇想到竟然有白癡拿出來賣!”蘇媚瑤咬牙說道:“以後你要為我等煉製的丹藥,玉龍花便是主藥之一!沈翔呆住了。他現在知道玉龍花是聖級藥材,而要幫助蘇媚瑤和...