He is somewhat handsome and quite talented in design, winning the admiration of several female colleagues. However, he looks down on women who are too forward.,After all the hard work to get here, I can't let a few words ruin everything!,Ruan Bai heavily slammed the design draft onto the table, his face expressionless: "Enough! Xu Lei, don't push it too far! You have no idea what others have experienced, so you recklessly spread rumors. Don't you know that defamation is a legal responsibility According to Article 246 of the Criminal Law, publicly insulting others or fabricating facts to defame others, in serious cases, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years, detention, restriction, or deprivation of political rights... Minister Xu, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, please bring it up directly instead of using this way to slander me. It's working hours now, and I don't want to waste time discussing pointless things with you. If you continue to make trouble, I will personally contact a lawyer, and we'll see you in court!"。