Blue Forgetting Machine, knowing that he was asking knowingly, repeated with a straight face, "you wait for me outside.",the girl blushed and looked at Wei Wuyan, stunned, not knowing what to say. Wei Wu squinted with admiration and vaguely felt that her face was familiar. For a moment, I suddenly remembered, isn't this the round-faced girl he met on the road just after he came out of Mojiazhuang and hastened to meet her in Dafanshan,Blue forgot the machine nodded slightly, but Wei Wuyan was still sitting on the grass, looking at him with a smile. The girl seemed to be afraid of blue forgetfulness-- it was normal. None of the younger generation of this age, who was not afraid of blue forgetting, hurriedly picked up her skirt and ran. Wei Wuyan shouted several times behind: "Girl, little sister!" Your basket! Hey, little apple! Apple, come back! Why are you following! Little Apple! "。