  • home page fantastic First Love: The Pres
  • First Love: The Pres
  • author: Lucy Lus renew: 2025-01-10
  • state: Serialized
  • "Henry and I have a contract, he can't unilaterally fire me without reason, or he will face a hefty payout.",Song Mengmeng was furious, "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!" Fang Mei held her tightly, "Think of the bigger picture, please. Don't be impulsive! We are not students anymore, this could make headlines tomorrow if we cause a stir.","This woman has been Henry's agent for five or six years. How come you didn't try to get rid of her before I get sick just looking at her! She clearly wants to steal your man! Why are you so useless"。

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