  • home page Science fiction The Shepherdapos;s C
  • The Shepherdapos;s C
  • author: Not ten strings, ple renew: 2024-08-29
  • state: Serialized
  • "Yes, hello... I'm Hayna Inspector, who made an appointment yesterday... to investigate the assault on Mr. Evans Moriarty.",The old butler, with his hands clasped behind his back and a tone that always seemed to carry a hint of condescension towards Haina, said: "Young Master Ewart was attacked by a demon scholar the day before yesterday and remained unconscious until last night. However, he heard that the Inquisitors were coming to ask some questions, so he willingly gave up going to the Glass Stair Infirmary. He simply took some medicine and, with his frail body, waited by the fireplace for two hours, and I waited for two hours at the door as well.","I sense your sincere apology, so I'll let this breach of our agreement slide. But perhaps you should reflect on whether you have offended someone or blocked someone's path... As I said, this is an inspection meeting that you don't need to attend."。

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