When the first chill of winter settled upon the frozen land, this remote town, far from the heart of the Golden Sparrow Empire, was suddenly graced by a column of silver-armored knights bearing their heraldry high.,Parxia's neighbor was Dim, the only blacksmith in town. Dim, puffing on his pipe, looked at his old neighbor's expression and muttered, "Well now, what's with that face... Could it be you know something about these knights","What a remarkable building! It stands suspended in mid-air, yet firm and unyielding." Although Lyon inwardly grumbled about how Jonah the old geezer had stolen his brother's attention, he was nonetheless impressed by Jonah's astonishing craftsmanship. He just would never show it on his face. Besides, aside from this hanging building, Lyon held no other admiration for Jonah. Perhaps in Jonah's "country," the method of constructing such a building is commonplace Even after nearly twenty years at Pat Manor, Lyon had remained oblivious to where Jonah's country was located.。